Guinness has enjoyed a long history of award-winning advertisements. To generate buzz for the release of their most expensive commercial yet, an ARG was created.
ARG stands for Alternate Reality Game. It’s sort of like a scavenger hunt that takes place across multiple mediums. For the “Tipping Point” game, the commercial was released in 3 second segments. Players scoured the video for clues to microsites scattered throughout the web.

Each site had a puzzle that, when solved, revealed a code that unlocked one of eleven dominoes. Each domino unlocked revealed another segment of video, until the whole commercial was revealed.

Each of the eleven sites had a different puzzle that had to be solved. ARG fans across the globe gathered in forums to discuss possible solutions and share ideas. It even spawned its’ own wiki page.

Even for the people who created it, Guinness Tipping Point takes hours to solve. It’s not the sort of thing that can be accurately described in a few pages. Click the link below for more.
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