A microsite promoting the fact that Jones Soda uses 100% pure cane sugar. On this one, I did the art direction as well as the copy.

The secret to Jones Soda's pure sugar is the SugarCane Baby. A form of pure cane known for it's sweetness and total (sometimes painful) honesty.

The site would read through a user's browser history. Picking out key words, the SugarCane Babies would offer up honest commentary.

After collecting a bushel of babies, users could sort them, choosing which brands of honesty they would keep, and which to throw back.

The “keepers” could then be fed into the Jones-O-Matic Juicer. This would extract the pure cane stalks from the babies, and tell users which of Jones’ flavors they were most likely to enjoy. (No babies were, are, or will ever be harmed in the Jones-O-Matic Juicer.)

If you or someone you knew needed a dose of honesty, the babies could help with that too. Just write your note, and the baby will distill it down to the honest essence (with the use of a keyword algorithm).

Users then had the choice to send that dose of honesty, or just receive a coupon for Jones Soda. "The sort of honesty that goes down easier.”

To promote the HonestJones.com, flash banners would be created for specific sites, delivering a dose of honesty upon arrival. Here we see a sugar cane baby tellin' it how it is.
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